Oldal tetejére
Birgit Köblitz

facebook / Birgit Köblitz
instagram @birgitkoeblitz_glass_art
0036 30 558 7211
Studio / 2626 Nagymaros, Nap utca 4

1960, Leipzig (D)

1980-1985 University of Art and Design Halle-Burg Giebichenstein

Artworks in public collections
Ishikawa Collection Kanazawa, Japan
Glass Museum Frauenau, Germany
Ernsting Stiftung – Glass Museum, Coesfeld-Lette, Germany
Hungarian Contemporary Gallery, Dunajska Streda, Slovakia
Laczkó Dezső Museum, Veszprém
Rippl-Rónai Museum, Kaposvár
Cifra Palace, Kecskemét
Körmendi Collection, Sopron

2020 Competition – Design for two stained glass windows for the Church of Városmajor; suggestion for realization for one of them
2005 Ferenczy Noémi Award for Art
2000/2013/2020 National Cultural Fund (NKA) scholarship
1996 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest – First prize
1987 Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, -First prize

Selected group and solo exhibitions
2020 Hungary 2.0 The return, Glass Museum, Frauenau (D)
2020 Handmade, Handwerksform, Hannover (D)
2019 Taking off, Glass Museum Lette, Coesfeld (D)
2019 Master pieces, MMA exhibition of Craft, Vigado Gallery, Budapest
2019/2020 GlasSpring, Tér-Kép Gallery, Budapest
2017/2018 Hungarian Contemporary Glass, China (Hangzhou, Namoc Museum Beijing)
2018 In the light and shadow of the glass arches , Horváth Endre Gallery, Balassagyarmat
2012/2014/2017 HU Glass, B55 Gallery, Basilica, Budapest
2017 Dimensions, 4. Sculpture Biennale, Művészmalom (Art Mill), Szentendre
2017 All around us, National Salon of Applied Art and Design, Kunsthalle Budapest

Artist’ statement

Creating glass sculptures and architectural glass are both close to my heart. The usage of coloured glass in architecture is a very responsible task because it influences our soul directly. The given space and its air are always inspiring; they are my source of creativity. It is an important aim for my glassworks that are made for communal places, to remain modern. It has to reflect the personality of the glass artist not only technically but in its form as well because it is the only way for it to become an integral part of the architecture withstanding the passage of time.

Architectural works
Gül Baba Türbe Museum, Budapest
Saint Angels church, Budapest
Holocaust Museum, Budapest
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest
Hungarian Embassy, Belgrad / YU (Serbia)
Roman catholic church, Tótszerdahely
Hospital chapel, Visegrád
Lutheran church, Vác